In 2019, Focus on the Family hosted an event called Alive from New York. Thousands gathered in Times Square to hear speakers and musicians proclaim the name of Jesus and the sanctity of human life.
Protesters showed up as well. They were a vocal minority … until they were silenced by the star of the event: a baby inside the womb. A holy hush fell over Times Square when we performed a live ultrasound and broadcast the heartbeat over loudspeakers. The protesters dropped their signs, their countenance changed, and they went silent.
Hearts were softened that day toward life.
Abby Johnson, Sue Thayer, and Annette Lanca have witnessed the power of life from both sides of the issue. They were all formerly Planned Parenthood clinical directors and managers who were drawn to the organization because they believed they were helping women. They sought to encourage and support women who were going through a difficult time.
Sadly, those objectives were only the public face of the organization. Internally, goals were established for the number of abortions their clinics produced each month. Let me offer a comparable perspective from my time working sales in the paper industry years ago. If we were late in the month, and our sales were low, we’d become more aggressive in order to sell more product.
The abortion clinics operated according to the same principle. They were given a quota, and if they didn’t reach that marker, they had to explain why and offer solutions for raising their numbers the next month to hit their goal.
Abby, Sue, and Annette are guests on our Focus on the Family Broadcast “Why I Left the Abortion Industry” sharing powerful stories about how the scales began to fall from their eyes and how God led them to the kind of the work that they’re doing now to help women. Listen on your local radio station, online, on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or on our free phone app.
Abby’s ministry – called “And Then There Were None,” which reaches out to abortion clinic workers and helps them find hope and healing transitioning out of the industry – has ministered to over 500 women. Many of them struggle with addiction and over 30% of them have attempted suicide.
The abortion industry is dehumanizing. They have to dehumanize the preborn child in order to do what they do every day. But that cycle dehumanizes the workers, as well.
Abby has written a book called The Walls Are Talking: Former Abortion Clinic Workers Tell Their Stories. I’d like to offer you a copy of it for a gift of any amount. I’d also like to extend an invitation for you to become a special partner with us through our monthly “Friends of Focus on the Family” program. What’s amazing is that it only takes $60 to save a baby’s life by providing ultrasound machines and additional resources. Visit our website for more information.
The slogan for Focus on the Family’s pro-life event this year is “See Life 2020”! The online event will kick off on September 26th featuring interviews, special music, and of course an ultrasound of a preborn baby.
And if you’re struggling in any way as a result of abortion, remember that we have caring Christian counselors on staff, and it would be their privilege to offer you a free consultation. Call us, leave your name and number, and they’ll get back with you just as soon as possible. The number during business hours is 1-800-A-FAMILY (232-6459).
Photo from Shutterstock
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