You’d think the United States Senate would consider the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act a “no-brainer.” The bill would have guaranteed medical care for children born alive after an attempted abortion. Of the 100 US Senators, the measure needed 60 votes to pass.
It received 53.
Nearly half of the United States Senate voted to allow infanticide – the killing of infant children.
A preponderance of abortion supporters reason that the legislation isn’t necessary. “The problem doesn’t exist,” they say. “Children rarely survive abortions.”
Apparently, the killing of infant children is only “rarely” ok.
Isn’t that enough?
Politicians like Governor Andrew Cuomo have said states like New York have to protect the rights of women to receive a late term abortion – up to the time of birth – while simultaneously arguing against pro-life legislation, apparently because babies who survive abortions still don’t have the right to life.
It’s a blood-stained contradiction.
Melissa Ohden and Claire Culwell are now adult women. Melissa’s mother received a saline abortion in which the amniotic sack was infused with saline solution. Melissa’s body absorbed the poison for five days until her birth mother was induced into premature labor. She was delivered alive.
According to a nurse on duty, Melissa was abandoned to a cold metal surgical table and left to die. The nurse said, “She kept gasping for breath. I couldn’t leave her there to die.” She rushed Melissa to the NICU.
Claire’s mother was 13 when she was forced to have an abortion. Four weeks later, the doctor informed her that they hadn’t realized that she was pregnant with twins. The abortion procedure had been successful on one baby, but not the other.
Melissa and Claire have incredible stories. They give voice to the thousands of babies aborted every year. They’re living proof of the infinite value of every human being.
Melissa is the founder and director of The Abortion Survivors Network, which educates about failed abortions and offers survivors emotional, mental, and spiritual support. She tells her story in the book, You Carried Me. She and her husband have two children. Claire Culwell is married and has four children. Both women speak boldly on behalf of the pro-life view at events and on Capitol Hill.
Forty-eight percent of women who have had an abortion report that they felt coerced into it. If we’re going to have a conversation about women’s rights, then we have to have an honest discussion about what women are experiencing.
I recently had a conversation with Melissa and Claire that we’re airing on our Focus on the Family Broadcast “Abortion Survivors Tell Their Stories.” This program isn’t suitable for younger children, so please use your discretionand occupy your kids elsewhere, or listen lateronline, oniTunes, via Podcast, or on our free phone app, or watch the full program on our YouTube channel.
Join us to hear Melissa and Claire share their stories about being survivors of abortion and about forgiving and reconnecting with their birth mothers.
And if you’re still carrying the emotional weight of an abortion, we have caring Christian counselors on staff who would count it their privilege to offer you a free initial consultation. Call us, leave your name and number, and they’ll get back with you just as soon as possible. The number during business hours is 1-800-A-FAMILY (232-6459).
Focus on the Family is defending life with broadcasts like this and with our Option Ultrasoundprogram. When a pregnant woman sees an ultrasound, her odds of completing an abortion are greatly reduced. Our program places ultrasound units in pregnancy resource centers. We have helped to save an estimated 425,000 babies over the past 15 years!
In addition to donating to Option Ultrasound, there are other ways you can be involved in the fight for life. Make yourvoice heard with two calls to action:
First, add your signature to the Declaration for Life.
Second, remember an event Focus on the Family will be hosting on Saturday May 4 in Times Square called Alive from New York. During this live event, a 4D ultrasound of a preborn baby will be conducted and broadcast on the big screens in Times Square. I hope you’ll join us for this powerful visual example of the sanctity of human life.
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