We talk a lot in the church about God’s design for marriage. And rightly so.
But what often gets overlooked is His purpose and work in the life of singles.
Some Christians feel called to be single. Many others yearn for marriage, but for various reasons, struggle to find that kind of meaningful relationship. When months and years tick by, and that deep, heartfelt desire for connection remains unfulfilled, disappointment and frustration can set in. That can pose a serious challenge to a person’s faith, and sincere questions often emerge.
That’s why, today, we’re beginning the first of a two-part program, “Answering Questions Single Adults Ask,” with Lisa Anderson, the Director of Boundless, our outreach to young adults here at Focus. No matter your age, if you’re contemplating God’s plan for marriage in your life, I invite you to join us. I think you’ll be encouraged by our conversation addressing open and honest questions we’ve received from singles.
Like Sarah, who wonders how to cope with the sting of rejection.
Is she even worthy of marriage?
Or Polly who has been praying for a husband for as long as she can remember. After so many years, she’s losing faith that God cares about her, and it’s becoming harder for her to trust Him.
And then there’s Jacob who’s been divorced for ten years. Is God punishing him for his past choices by not bringing someone into his life?
For answers to these questions and more, tune in to your local radio station, online or via our free, downloadable mobile phone app.
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