Guys, how selflessly do you love your wife? Do you have a bit too much me, myself, and I in the mix?
Here’s a quick test to find out. Imagine that you and your buddies plan a get together at your house to watch the Super Bowl. The night of the big game, everybody shows up with drinks, pretzels, and pizza. You’re just settling in for the kickoff … when the phone rings. Your wife is on the other end. Her car has a flat tire, and she’s stuck at work.
Do you (A) tell your wife to have a co-worker change the tire for her … then join your friends to watch the big game? (B) Call a tow truck for your wife … then join your friends to watch the big game? Or (C) Go to your wife, change her tire, then complain the whole time that your friends are waiting on you, and you’re missing the big game?
The correct answer is secret option (D). Go to your wife, change her tire, and treat her sweetly while never once complaining about missing the big game.
Option D is the ideal – the kind of selfless love that every guy ought to shoot for … even though he’ll never perfectly live it out. Fortunately, the goal isn’t perfection, but direction. Own your mistakes when self-interest gets in the way and keep striving to be as selfless as possible.
For a marriage that thrives, empty yourself … of yourself. Become a selfless man, a man who serves his wife, who puts her needs ahead of his own, and who makes a healthy relationship with her his top priority.
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