At some point, almost every boy will struggle with the feeling that he doesn’t measure up.
My teenage feelings of inadequacy shot to the surface one day while I was in gym class, standing behind a muscular upper-classman named Glen and one of his buddies. They were talking about how guys grow bigger as they get older.
Without warning, Glen wheeled around and – Bam! – he socked me right in the chest. “See this guy?” he said. “He’s like a twig.”
Fortunately, Glen wasn’t seeking to hurt me. He was only using me to prove a point to his friend. Eventually, I filled out just fine. I even became our school’s quarterback. But feelings of inadequacy stirred within me that day.
Middle school is a time of big transition for boys. They’re leaving the familiarity of elementary school and stepping into the unknown. Some boys may be worried. Some fearful.
How can you help as a parent?
From bullies to friendship challenges to social media to feelings of inadequacy, we’ll help you and your son put your worries at ease on our Focus on the Family Broadcast “Braving Middle School Like a Boss.”
Our guests are Jonathan Catherman and his teenage sons, Reed and Cole. Reed and Cole reveal the fears they faced when entering middle school. And Jonathan shares tips for making your child’s transition into middle school less scary and setting them up for success. And you won’t want to miss the Cathermans’ humorous story about a misfired arrow into the garage door that deepened Reed and Cole’s relationship with their dad and taught them to become more open with their parents.
Tune in to your local radio station, online, on iTunes, via Podcast, or on our free phone app. We’re addressing sons today, but you can apply the same concepts to daughters.
For a deep dive into the topics we’re discussing, I recommend Jonathan’s book Manual to Middle School: The “Do This, Not That” Survival Guide for Guys. In fact, I’d like to offer you a copy for a gift of any amount. Visit our website for more information. If you can’t afford it, we’ll find a way to get it to you.
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