“I struggle with food.”
That statement resonates with millions of men and women. Maintaining a healthy relationship with food can be difficult for physiological, mental and spiritual reasons.
God designed food for function and for pleasure. Hunger compels us to eat, which sustains our lives, but God also created us with the ability to enjoy flavors, textures, and the experience of eating itself (Ecclesiastes 3:13).
The trouble is, that beautiful gift can get twisted. Research is confirming that certain foods and additives can have the same addictive effect as drugs, which causes us to continue to feel hungry even though we’ve already eaten.
In addition to the physical component, there’s a mental component. A fixation on food is an inordinate preoccupation with thoughts and longings for food. You’re constantly thinking about what you’re going to eat, what you just ate, or how much you ate. Or you go to sleep regretting your food choices for the day. Your thoughts about food have mastery over you. And Scripture tells us that a person is a slave to whatever has mastered them (John 8:34).
Food can also have a spiritual component. Anything that becomes more important than God in our hearts is an idol. The word “idol” may bring to mind wooden statues from the Roman period, but modern idols can be things like money, materialism, sex, and, yes, even eating habits.
Asheritah Ciuciu is an author, speaker, and a blogger, who grew up as a missionary kid in Romania, and who has found freedom in Christ with her own battles over food.
She’s joining us on our Focus on the Family Broadcast “Craving God, Not Food.” You can hear it on your local radio station, online, oniTunes, via Podcast, or take us with you on our free phone app, or watch the full program on our YouTubechannel.
Asheritah explains how to overcome the shame that appears in the wake of poor eating habits, chronic overeating, eating disorders, or even an obsession with diet and exercise – and how to find freedom. She’ll dispel lies about healthy diets you may currently believe.
We’re talking with her about her book Full: Food, Jesus, and the Battle for Satisfaction. Let us put this resource into your hands. I’d like to do that for a gift of any amount. If you can’t afford it, we’ll find a way to get it to you. Visit our websitefor more information.
And if you’re struggling with an eating disorder, know that we have caring Christian counselors on staff who would be happy to offer you a free initial consultation. Call us, leave your name and number, and they’ll get back with you just as soon as possible. The number during business hours is 1-800-A-FAMILY(232-6459).
Food is a good gift from a good Father who desires for us to turn our hearts to Him in worship. Sometimes that gift includes ice cream.
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