On today’s edition of our Focus on the Family broadcast, “Defeating the Darkness of Abortion,” we’re going “behind the scenes” of an abortion clinic. Our tour guide is Kathy Sparks, and as you’ll hear, she trained in every area of an abortion facility – from the telephones to the surgical room.
She has a riveting story to tell.
Kathy was raised Catholic and pro-life. In college, feminism drew her to adopt a pro-choice outlook. After college, she began working in an abortion clinic. She shares about the tactics the abortion industry uses, from answering the telephone to approaches to counseling women.
Her perspective is especially timely right now, as more and more states consider legislation to expand abortion rights up to the day the baby is delivered at full gestation.
Focus on the Family is fighting this trend with broadcasts like this and with our Option Ultrasound program. When a pregnant woman sees an ultrasound, her odds of completing an abortion are greatly reduced. Our program places ultrasound units in pregnancy resource centers. We have helped to save an estimated 425,000 babies over the past 15 years!
In addition to donating to Option Ultrasound, there are other ways you can be involved in the fight for life. Make your voice heard with two calls to action:
First, add your signature to the Declaration for Life.
Second, remember an event Focus on the Family will be hosting on Saturday May 4 in Times Square called Alive from New York. During this live event, a 4D ultrasound of a preborn baby will be conducted and broadcast on the Times Square jumbotrons. I hope you’ll join us for this powerful visual example of the sanctity of human life as we urge politicians to defend helpless babies.
In the meantime, join us for our Focus on the Family Broadcast “Defeating the Darkness of Abortion” to hear Kathy Sparks share her experiences as an abortion clinic nurse – and explain how God led her from darkness into light. It’s an unforgettable message.
Hear the program on your local radio station.This program isn’t graphic, but it’s probably not suitable for younger children, so please use your discretionand occupy your kids elsewhere, or listen lateronline, oniTunes, via Podcast, or on our free phone app.
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And when you help Focus on the Family today with a gift, your donation will be for doubled for twice the impact in helping others through this ministry. Our thanks to generous donors who’ve made that possible.(For more information, visit our website.)
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