As Valentine’s Day approaches, we’re excited here at Focus on the Family because we’re working with congregations worldwide to exalt marriage this Sunday in an event we’re calling the Honoring Marriage Event.
It’s a time for churches to talk about God’s design for marriage – something we’re doing with special emphasis throughout the month of February here at Focus.
In fact, we think marriage is so important to the health and stability of the culture that we have an entire division of our ministry dedicated to helping husbands and wives strengthen their relationships.
It’s headed up by Dr. Greg Smalley who is our vice president of Family Ministries. He and his wife, Erin, do a great job in helping lead this outreach. Every day they walk in the door thinking about how to strengthen marriages, and our research tells us that in the last 12 months over 130,000 marriages were saved at least in part because of the Lord’s work through our efforts.
We praise God for those results, and we thank Greg and Erin for their leadership. They don’t hold themselves up as some unattainable model of perfection. They’re a relatable couple who, like the rest of us, have had to learn how to build a strong relationship. That’s why we invite them to our studios time and time again.
Like today and tomorrow.
We’re happy to welcome them back for the last couple of programs for this week to share simple but profound “secrets” to help you and your valentine unlock true love that will last a lifetime.
I think you’ll be challenged by the principles they share and encouraged that you can take your marriage to another level.
Hebrews 13:4 says, “Marriage should be honored by all.” Our culture doesn’t do well at that. Even within the church, couples could use some help in learning to build a relationship that will endure.
That’s why we feel the Honoring Marriage Event this Sunday is so important. An estimated 4,000 churches will be participating. If your church hasn’t decided to be involved, it’s not too late.
We’ve made it easy for churches to host a special event and talk about marriage in their services and classes this weekend (or another weekend of their choice) with our Honoring Marriage Event Kit.
The kit includes the Date Night Challenge: Comedy Edition DVD, as well as sermon ideas, materials to promote the event, and a lot more. Check out the website for information.
If you’re not a member of the clergy, I invite you to talk to your pastor and let him know about your interest in seeing a strong emphasis on marriage this Valentine’s Day weekend.
We hope your church will consider participating and make this Sunday a true blessing for couples within your community.
In the meantime, don’t forget to join us for our two-day program, “Unlocking the Secrets to Lifelong Love,” with Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley on your local radio station. Or listen anytime online or via our free, downloadable mobile phone app.
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