My wife Jean always knows when I’ve taped a broadcast with author and speaker Dr. Gary Chapman.
It’s uncanny. I’ll walk through the door and, inspired by my time with Dr. Chapman, I’ll ask her something like, “What’s one thing I could do to help you today?” And she immediately knows who I’ve spent time with.
And that’s how God uses Dr. Chapman. He’s a relationship expert, and he helps couples create and maintain an emotionally safe environment in their marriages that is conducive to positive growth. He helps husbands and wives achieve a new perspective on their relationship. And let’s be honest – many of us who aren’t newlyweds anymore can really use it!
Remember back in your dating days when she could do no wrong? When you wouldn’t change a thing about him? Fast-forward a few years and that sure can change. In fact, in today’s broadcast Dr. Chapman shares how some of the couples he counsels have filled countless pages of a legal pad with things that are wrong with their spouse. But when he turns the tables and asks them to write out what needs to be changed inside of them… well, they struggle to come up with a second item on the list.
That’s why we need a change in perspective. We need to take the focus off the speck in our spouse’s eye and take a good, long look at the log in our own eye. When we focus inwardly, we’ll be able to better love our spouse.
I hope you’ll listen to today’s broadcast, “Owning Your Faults and Loving Your Spouse.” I know that as you listen to Dr. Chapman expand on the ideas I’ve presented here your marriage will be blessed. As always, you can listen to our broadcast on your local radio station, online, or via our free, downloadable mobile phone app.
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