Yesterday I returned home from a trip to Washington, D.C. where the streets are lined with pink, white, and red dogwoods starting to bloom. Talk about a beautiful sight to behold. I’m back home now where this morning my boys Trent and Troy awoke to a joyous sight . . . five inches of snow!
It’s springtime . . . and it’s snowing in Colorado Springs. Go figure.
The reason I was in the nation’s capital was to speak at a luncheon held in honor of Truett Cathy, founder and Chairman of Chick-fil-A. (As you can see in the photo, we had an awesome view of the White House and the Washington Monument from our meeting room.)
Credited as the man who invented the chicken sandwich back in 1964, Truett felt convicted to build his company with the distinctive of remaining closed on Sunday – a policy which continues to this day. Thanks, in part, to the popular EAT MOR CHIKIN campaign, his chain of more than 1,300 stores has become the second largest chicken franchise in the country.
Not only is he passionate about business, Truett has been an inspiration to those who know him through his investment in summer camping opportunities for young people, foster care initiatives, and his commitment to teach Sunday School for the better part of fifty years.
His work as a volunteer Sunday School teacher as well as his lifetime of serving others hasn’t gone unnoticed. In fact, just before the luncheon Truett was invited to the Oval Office where President George Bush awarded him the President’s Call to Service Award for his more than 4,000 hours of volunteer service. Well done, friend!
Personally, I count Truett as a friend and a wonderful partner with us at Focus on the Family over the years. I’ll never forget the time when his team readily agreed to place Adventures in Odyssey radio drama sampler cassettes in all of their kids meals. I know I said this at the luncheon, but thanks, Truett, for your dedication to young people, especially those in foster care. Your example to help others is an inspiration to our nation.
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