Do you remember when you and your spouse first fell in love?
Did your heart start fluttering? Did your hands get cold and clammy? Did simply thinking about that special person make you smile? It was a time in your relationship when everything felt new, fresh, and alive.
But then, it happened. At some point after the splendor of your wedding ceremony, life settled into a daily grind of activity. Careers were chased. Children were born. A larger home was purchased and two new cars were parked in the garage. And, slowly, the romance faded.
What used to be hours of conversation about hopes and dreams became two people who only talk about practical matters like finances or children. Eventually, the emotional connection points that used to draw you together disappeared entirely.
It doesn’t have to be that way. You can rekindle the romance in your marriage.
We’re answering that question on our Focus on the Family Broadcast “Embracing Your Unique Love Story” with our guest Rhonda Stoppe, an author, speaker, and pastor’s wife with 30 years of experience as a marriage mentor.
She’ll help you get beyond the busyness of life to what’s truly important: connecting on an emotional level with each other and developing an intimate relationship, not just a business arrangement.
Listen to our conversation on your local radio station, online, on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or take us with you on our free phone app.
Rhonda’s book Real-Life Romance: Inspiring Stories to Help You Believe in True Love is available through our ministry for a gift of any amount. Visit our website for more information.
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