“Why should I focus on my past? It’s over. I can’t change anything about it.”
Answer: If your past still affects your present, it’s not really in the past.
Wounds from our past can imprison us within ourselves. Satan is a master at dredging up old hurts and using them against us. Sinful and dysfunctional behavior today is often in reaction to the pain that litters our yesterdays.
Guilt, shame, bitterness, resentment, and anger are a long, slow path to destruction. They infect our relationships with our spouse, with our children, and with our God.
But there is another way of life available to you. It’s filled with hope, happiness, and peace despite the hurt you’ve suffered. But to experience it, you first have to decide to take your life back by seeking healing through Jesus Christ.
We’re going to help you do that, if you’ll let us. Joining me on our Focus on the Family Broadcast “How to Stop the Past from Controlling Your Future,” are Steve Arterburn and Dr. David Stoop. Steve is the founder and chairman of New Life Ministries and the radio host of New Life Live. He’s also a teaching pastor at Northview Church in Carmel, IN, and the founder of Women of Faith.
Dr. David Stoop is a licensed clinical psychologist and the founder and director of the Center for Family Therapy in Newport Beach, CA. He’s often heard on the New Life Live radio program, and is an ordained minister as well.
They’re going to give you the tools to explore your wounds a little deeper in the hopes of bringing healing and restoration to your life. You’ll learn how to grieve your past, forgive those who have hurt you, and walk away with practical tools for moving your life in a new direction.
Tune in on your local radio station, online, or on our free phone app and find Steve’s and Dr. Stoop’s book “Take Your Life Back: How to Stop Letting Your Past and Other People Control You” in our online bookstore.
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