Is it too early to start thinking about Christmas?
It’s not if you want a stress-free holiday season.
Social media raises our expectations to overwhelming levels. Instead of peace and joy, we feel pressure to transform our homes into Christmas wonderlands. Instead of peace and joy, Christmas becomes a time of stress and “stuff” for many of us, each day filled with lights, decorations, shopping, parties, or family get-togethers.
It’s all wonderful, but it also inhibits us from reflecting more deeply on the hope of Christmas – our Savior.
We’ll be discussing how to get ahead of the curve as Christmas Day approaches on our Focus on the Family Broadcast “Getting Organized for Christmas” with our guest Kathi Lipp.
Kathi offers four easy steps to kick off the Christmas season in the right way:
- Find out what’s important to your family. Sometimes we commit to long-held traditions that no longer have meaning to our kids or to other family members. Save your energy and resources for activities everyone will enjoy.
- Figure out what’s important to you. Attend a Christmas Eve service at church. Drive around with some hot chocolate to see Christmas lights. Cook a special meal or a dessert that means a lot to you.
- Gather your Christmas stash. Take inventory of all of your wrapping paper and bows. You’ll save money and time. You won’t buy extra things or get stuck hustling from store to store for what you need.
- Make a list of how other people can help you. Ask your spouse to hang the Christmas lights. If your children are old enough, assign them to prepare food items for the holiday meal. Allow other people who come for dinner to be helpful.
That’s just the tip of the holiday ivy. You’ll hear even more great ideas that will help this truly become “the most wonderful time of the year” on your local radio station, online, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, via Google Podcasts, or on our free phone app. We’ll help you find more time with your family and with the One the holiday is meant to honor.
After all, that’s what the season is really all about.
Kathi Lipp’s book Get Yourself Organized for Christmas: Simple Steps to Enjoying the Season is available for a gift of any amount, money that goes right back into ministry, providing hope and help to families just like yours.
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