Few events in modern America’s collective consciousness embody pain and suffering like the terror attacks we experienced on Sept. 11, 2001. It was this generation’s Pearl Harbor, a day so unthinkable and awful that we spent months reeling from the shock of it. We ached as a nation. We grieved with moms and dads, husbands and wives, children and friends who had lost loved ones.
Where was God in the middle of all that heartache?
It’s a question many people asked themselves in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, and understandably so.
It’s actually a question that’s asked every day, of course.
We don’t have to look to the national and global news to learn of stories of pain and suffering, however.
Sometimes, the hurt is happening right next door. Other times, it happens directly to us.
In this life, it’s not a matter of if pain will occur – it’s a question of when it will happen. The Bible tells us that much in Ephesians 6:13 where it talks about an “evil day.”
A few months ago I shared with you how I had recorded a broadcast with pastor and author Dr. Tim Keller on this very difficult topic of pain and suffering. In light of today’s anniversary, we’re airing that broadcast.
I’ll repost the video link from my original blog entry below – it’s a 48-second peek into our conversation. As you will be able to see even from that short glimpse, Dr. Keller is an extraordinarily wise man who God can use to provide some understanding for those of us who may be hurting today.
I hope you will listen to our two-day broadcast with Dr. Tim Keller, “Discovering God in the Midst of Pain and Suffering.” As always, you can listen to our broadcast on the radio, online or via our mobile app.
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