A young man named Billy Riley was in a philosophy program at a small liberal arts college in western Pennsylvania. His Human Origins class offered some of the greatest challenges a Christian student could ever face. Not only was he confronted with opposing worldviews, but his professor was biased in his teaching approach.
Billy was mature enough in his faith that he befriended the professor. They had great conversations and vigorous debate after each class. They eventually put together a school symposium on the existence of God. The professor told the auditorium of students who attended, “This is the best thing we’ve done on our campus in 20 years.”
What Christian parent wouldn’t love to see the depth of maturity Billy possessed when their children strike out into the world? We all want our sons and daughters to become adults who have taken hold of their faith, who love God, and who love other people.
The question is: How do we get them there? Parents need wisdom, and they want answers. We have both on our Focus on the Family Broadcast “Guiding Your Young Adult to a Vibrant Faith.”
Dan Dupee has a lot of experience with parents of teens and young adults. He’s the chairman of the board of the Coalition for Christian Outreach, a campus ministry working annually with over 32,000 students at over 115 schools across the country. Dan has written a book called “It’s Not Too Late: The Essential Part You Play in Shaping Your Teen’s Faith.”
He shares some great insights that were helpful to me and that I believe will be helpful to thousands of other parents who have teenage children or young adults. He’ll help you get some confidence in how to help your teen- or college-age kids get on the path to a vibrant faith.
He’ll also offer encouragement for parents who go to bed every night in tears, prayerfully wondering if their son or daughter will ever find God again.
This program is all about hope. No matter how bad the culture gets, there’s no greater place of influence than the home. And there are no more influential people in the life of a teenager or a young adult than parents.
Our program has some great advice for you when you tune in to on your local radio station, listen online, or download our free phone app.
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