Years ago, in the mid-90’s, a colleague at Focus on the Family attended the Beijing Women’s Conference. It was a global event convened by the United Nations and included a diverse level of world leaders and politicians whose stated goal was to achieve greater equality and opportunity for women.
My colleague asked a panel of well-known female political figures, “What woman’s rights are being protected? The adult female? Or the baby female? Because one of those females is taking the rights of the other.”
They refused to answer. Or they didn’t have one.
For many years, the pro-abortion industry centered their arguments on the idea that a pre-born baby was a blob of tissue. Abortion was, therefore, the end of a biological process, not the end of a life.
However, advances in science and technology have conclusively proven that to be false and utterly misguided. So, tactics have changed. Their rhetoric has shifted from “safe, legal, and rare” to proclaiming the virtues of abortion from the rooftops. Along the way, they dismiss the mountain of evidence showing that abortion poses physical and psychological dangers for most women.
Jeanne Mancini is joining us on our Focus on the Family Broadcast “Honoring Preborn Life in 2020.” She’s the president of the March for Life Education and Defense Fund and has dedicated most of her career to promoting a culture of life and dignity for all people.
Listen to my conversation with her on your local radio station, online, on Apple Podcasts, via Google Podcasts, or take us with you on our free phone app.
Jeanne and I are talking about the March for Life coming up on January 24. There will be featured speakers and a peaceful march with many thousands of pro-life supporters who will be in attendance. You can register and get more information at our website.
Later this year Focus on the Family is also hosting “Focus on the Family’s Alive 2020.” The event expands on what we did last year in New York City. This year, we’re holding events in Southern California, Dallas-Fort Worth, Atlanta, Chicago, and Southern Florida.
Mark your calendar now for May 9, 2020. Then, spread the word and come celebrate life with live ultrasounds, great music, and inspiring speakers. Jeanne Mancini will be co-hosting the event with me.
If you’ve had an abortion and are struggling, I encourage you to call us at 1-800-A-FAMILY (232-6459). We have caring Christian counselors on staff, and it would be their privilege to offer you a free consultation. Call us, leave your name and number, and they’ll get back with you just as soon as possible.
Before I close, I’d like to remind you about our Option Ultrasound program. We at Focus on the Family are committed to advancing the pro-life cause by declaring that we are all made in the image of God from conception to natural death. We’re defending life with broadcasts like this and with our Option Ultrasound program.
When a pregnant woman sees an ultrasound, her odds of completing an abortion are greatly reduced. Our program places ultrasound units in pregnancy resource centers. We have helped to save an estimated 425,000 babies over the past 15 years! Donate today!
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