On the eve of the March for Life, in what can only be considered as a poke in the eye to those of us seeking to protect preborn life, President Joe Biden rescinded the “Mexico City Policy” on Thursday – a safeguard that has prohibited the use of taxpayer money to fund abortions overseas.
What happened to your call for unity, Mr. President?
In a recent poll, over 77% of Americans oppose this action. Yet as he signed the executive order in the Oval Office, President Biden suggested the policy would ensure healthcare for women.
Abortion is not healthcare, but what about the health and care of those little babies, President Biden?
Fittingly, an icy, winter wind is blowing across Washington, D.C., today, less than 24 hours before the start of this year’s March – the annual commemoration of the Supreme Court’s tragic 1973 ruling that legalized abortion in all 50 states.
I’m in our nation’s capital, absorbing the sights of National Guard troops and barbed wire – but still grateful for those who will be standing in solidarity for the innocent children who have no voice.
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is forcing this year’s March to look very different than previous editions, when hundreds of thousands of people usually descend on this city.