When was the last time you stood and stared in awe and wonder?
I can remember those early days of fatherhood, when I would quietly slip into Trent and Troy’s room and watch their tiny chests rise and fall with every peaceful breath. It left me reaching for words that never came. Not only was I nearly speechless at the beauty of the new life before me, but humbled that I was blessed to have the new name of “Dad.”
In those moonlit nights, David’s words took on new meaning for me:
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well (Psalm 139:14).
So if the gift of new human life strikes with such a spirit of astonishment, how then does the promise of eternal life grab you?
Please take 30 seconds and watch the following video, paying special attention to the message from the blond-haired girl at the very end. As a reminder, this spot ran during the AFC divisional playoff game between Tim Tebow’s Denver Broncos and the Super Bowl-bound New England Patriots:
Her name is Channing, and in single word she deftly and powerfully summed up the Christian response to the Gospel:
Don’t you agree? How about your reaction to the Gospel?
How’s your sense of “Wow!” these days? In tough times it’s easy to get pulled down and buried in our own little story. We allow ourselves to be shaped and influenced by the very sin that Jesus came to save us from.
I think it’s time to look up and “ponder anew what the Almighty can do,” as the hymnist wrote. Is the search for awe a difficult one? Perhaps it’s a matter of personal priorities.
“I asked for wonder,” wrote Brennan Manning, “and He gave it to me.”
Have you asked for the same? Have you stopped to ponder in wonder and awe lately at the promise and guarantee of life eternal for those who accept Jesus as Lord and Savior?
The long-time friend and colleague of Dr. Billy Graham, George Beverly Shea, many years ago penned the great hymn, The Wonder of it All. Here is how it begins:
There’s the wonder of sunset at evening,
The wonder as sunrise I see;
But the wonder of wonders that thrills my soul
Is the wonder that God loves me.
I’d like to know: How have you maintained this sense of wonder and awe of the Almighty and the incredible gift of His son?
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