Life Magazine once published a list of the “Most Important Events of the Millennium.” Among the top ten were the discovery of germ theory, the Holocaust, and the writing and signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Number one on that list was the Gutenberg Bible printed in the 1450s and the first book to be mass produced. According to Life Magazine, no other event in the past 1,000 years has changed the world as dramatically as the Bible becoming available to the common person.
Yet most people today have very little idea how significantly their lives have been impacted by the Bible’s influence on the world around them.
That’s about to change.
You may know Steve Green as the CEO of Hobby Lobby. But on our radio program today, you’ll hear a conversation I had with him about his new project – the Museum of the Bible, scheduled to open this November.
It’s located just three blocks from the Capitol, near the Smithsonian, and will be one of the largest museums in Washington, D.C., an enormous 430,000 square feet! It’ll be high tech and thoroughly interactive to visitors.
Steve’s family has collected thousands of manuscripts and artifacts that will fill the building. The scope and detail of the museum will rival the National Air and Space Museum, the Museum of Natural History, and the Smithsonian itself.
The Museum of the Bible will be epic, appropriately so given that it will tell the story of the most important book in history, a book that has no equal in ancient literature.
I hope you’ll join me for my conversation with Steve Green on “The Bible in the Fabric of Society” on your local radio station, online, or on our free phone app.
And to see pictures of the construction of The Museum of the Bible, and to watch videos highlighting the effort, please read my previous blog post, “Take a Virtual Tour of the 43,000-Square-Foot Museum of the Bible.”
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