Yesterday at Focus on the Family, our staff came together for our Maundy Thursday chapel, a special time for reflecting on our Lord’s final hours before ascending Calvary to shed His blood on our behalf. Today, our offices are closed in honor of Good Friday.
Some of my non-Christian readers may not understand the meaningful symbolism ascribed to Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross. They see Jesus as a wise prophet, a good man, or a great teacher in a long line of equals to be imitated as we would any other great person.
But Jesus is wholly other. He has no equal. His teachings are not wise platitudes along the lines of Ghandi or Confucious. They emanate from His holy character as the Son of God. His life isn’t merely to be imitated. His life, death, and resurrection transform who we are, from the inside out. Those truths are woven throughout Scripture in the historical retelling of Jesus’ time on earth and in the symbolism of the Jewish culture.
Few people can illuminate those aspects of Scripture and bring them to life as well as Ray Vander Laan. Ray has partnered with us since 1995 to produce the extensive That the World May Know video series, which has touched millions of lives around the world.
On our Focus on the Family Broadcast “Jesus: The Lamb of God,” we’re airing a recorded message in which Ray delves into the powerful imagery associated with Christ and how it illustrates the truth of the Bible.
Ray formerly taught at Holland Christian Schools in Michigan. He’s an ordained minister, an expert in Jewish history, and has been teaching the Bible for over 40 years.
Join us for our program on your local radio station, online, on Apple Podcasts, via Google Podcasts, or take us with you on our free phone app. It’ll make the Scripture come alive for each and every member your family.
I’d like to offer you a DVD and Leader’s Guide for That the World May Know #11: Path to the Cross: Embracing Obedience and Sacrifice for a gift of any amount. Click here for more information or give us a call at 1-800-A-FAMILY (232-6459).
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