Brad Rhoads didn’t think he had a problem with his marriage. He was putting a lot of energy and creativity into building a law practice. His clients and colleagues all thought he was attentive and engaged.
Not his wife, Marilyn. She thought Brad invested so much of his energy into his work that he had nothing left to invest in his marriage.
There was no affair, no huge blow-up. But Brad had taken his eyes off the Lord and his wife, and their relationship was suffering a slow leak. That doesn’t sound dangerous, but little things will kill a relationship.
You can’t put your marriage on hold. No matter how busy life gets, couples have to make space for their marriage. When they don’t, their marriage will stagnate and slowly die.
Scripture says, “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully” (2 Corinthians 9:6, ESV). When couples invest time, resources, and creative energy into their marriage, the Lord is able to do amazing things.
If you’re feeling a bit complacent about your relationship, I invite you to join us for our Focus on the Family Broadcast “Loving the Story of Your Marriage” with our guests Brad and Marilyn Rhoads. Hear it on your local radio station, online, on iTunes, via Podcast, take us with you on our free phone app, or watch the program on our YouTube channel.
Brad and Marilyn are the cofounders of Grace Marriage, a church-based ministry that equips local churches to strengthen marriages. They’re passionate about helping other couples experience the kind of transformational changes they’ve seen in their own marriage.
This particular show won’t address marriages that are in serious trouble. It’s more of an encouraging program for couples simply in need of a tune-up. But we have a lot of resources for folks in serious conflict, such as our on-staff Counseling team and our Hope Restored marriage intensives, which provide counseling over several days for relationships that are on the brink of divorce. For more information on the many different ways we can be of help, give us a call at 1-800-A-FAMILY (232-6459). Don’t put it off. Get the help you need today.
I’d also like to offer you a book written by two of our colleagues, Drs. Greg Smalley and Robert Paul, called The DNA of Relationships for Couples. In it, they examine common struggles in marriage – everything from a work/family balance to dealing with serious issues like infidelity – and provide practical answers.
I know you’ll find this book to be a valuable resource for your marriage, and you can have a free copy for a financial gift of any amount to Focus on the Family. Visit our website for details.
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