What do you use to hold your marriage together?
Super Glue?
I may as well suggest duct tape, right? According to the late Dr. Adrian Rogers, God Himself uses Super Glue.
Well, sort of.
Dr. Rogers draws from Genesis 2:24, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (ESV).
The original Greek translated into “hold fast” (“cleave” in the KJV) means “to weld or to glue.”
Commitment, not love, is the foundation of every successful marriage. Dr. Rogers says: “It is not primarily your love that holds your marriage together; it is your marriage that holds your love together. It is that commitment that enables your love to go on and on and on. And without that commitment, your love is going to disintegrate.”
Many couples don’t understand how something as sterile-sounding as “commitment” can translate into lifelong love and happiness. Today we’re airing a recorded message from Dr. Rogers that will answer that question and more.
As you’re out enjoying a day off for Labor Day (hopefully), I encourage you to take a few minutes to hear what Dr. Rogers has to say. He was a great friend of Focus on the Family and preached the Gospel for over 50 years. He passed away in 2005.
“Making Marriage a Joyful Journey” can be heard on your local radio station, online, or via our free, downloadable mobile phone app.
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