“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33, ESV).
If you’re single, have you ever applied that verse to your dating relationships and search for a godly spouse?
Many Christian singles seek the same things in a mate as non-Christian singles. They focus on whether or not they’re attracted to one another, share common interests, enjoy each other’s company, or even if they share sexual chemistry.
Each of those have their place in a marriage, but none of them provide a relationship with the stability a couple needs to build a life together. They won’t carry a relationship through unemployment, a wayward child, or a cancer diagnosis.
An enduring marriage starts with the “why.” It comes from intertwining your view of romance and marriage with your faith.
On our Focus on the Family Broadcast “A Fresh Look at Dating,” Gary Thomas describes the importance of how singles date and seek a mate like this:
“If you buy a house you don’t like, you can just move to another one. If you buy a car that’s a lemon, you trade it in for another one. You’ll take a financial hit, but you can count your losses and move forward. Marriage isn’t like that. It changes who you are. It becomes a part of your history, a part of your life. Entering marriage requires wise decision-making. It should be done thoughtfully, with your eyes wide open, with counsel, driven by the truth of Scripture.”
Gary will provide some answers to the “why” question that holds marriage together on our program that you can hear on your local radio station, online, or on our free phone app. And find Gary’s book The Sacred Search in our online bookstore.
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