It was the beloved English writer G.K. Chesterton who once observed that the critical thing is whether or not we take the turns of life for granted or with gratitude.
So, in that spirit, I’d like to share with you ten things I’m thankful for this year.
I would love to read your list, too.
1. I’m thankful for the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST … that He died for me – and you (!) and that He represents a power so awesome that its force cannot and will not be stopped on earth.
2. I’m thankful for the gift of LIFE … the good and the bad, the sickness and the health, the happy times and the tough seasons. Every moment is a miracle.
3. I’m thankful for JEAN … that the Lord blessed me with a wife of such noble character, dignity and devotion that it leaves me humbled and speechless. I cannot imagine my life without her.
4. I’m thankful for TRENT and TROY … our boys are bright lights, curious about everything and wonderful company to be with; how fun to watch them grow up and grow closer to God!
5. I’m thankful for my BROTHERS and SISTERS … you can choose your friends, but not your siblings. We share a history and a heart for one another. Life took us in different directions but we remain close.
6. I’m thankful for living in a country with FREEDOM … partisanship aside, I’ve been all around the world and encountered oppression. Though things aren’t perfect here, I’m grateful to live “here” and not “there.”
7. I’m thankful for the spirit of ANTICIPATION … I love looking forward to holidays, camping trips and special times with the family. It adds sweetness to life.
8. I’m thankful for LAUGHTER … can you imagine going through life without humor? Sadly, some people do!
9. I’m thankful for the emotion of PASSION … it gets me out of bed in the morning, to know that the Lord loves me as though I was the only person on earth and that He has called us to serve as His hands and feet this side of heaven. I’m so grateful to have the opportunity to serve on the team here at Focus and advance His priorities with your help.
10. I’m thankful for the command to be a Christian of GOOD CHEER … “In this world ye shall have tribulations, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Life may not always go according to our ideal, but Jesus has His hand on the wheel. There is no need to be cranky and grumble our way through it all.
That’s my list, though there are so many more items. How about yours?
From the Dalys and the entire team here at Focus on the Family, “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;his love endures forever” (1 Chronicles 16:34).
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