I’m headed to Atlanta this morning to participate in Focus on the Family’s Celebrate Family Tour. Tonight’s event is featuring the hilarious comedian, pastor and teacher, Mark Gungor. Mark is one of the most sought-after speakers on marriage and family in the country. If you’re in the area and would like to attend, please know we’d love to greet and host you this evening.
Before I go, though, I wanted to invite you to listen to today’s broadcast.
Marriage counselors Michael and Amy Smalley are joining us in the studio to talk about the challenges of family communication. I think you’ll find them authentic, practical, entertaining and insightful.
(Michael is the son of the renowned family counselor and long-time friend of Focus on the Family, Dr. Gary Smalley.)
How would you like it if after a storybook courtship and romance you found yourself – just 18 hours into marriage, mind you – not speaking with your spouse?
That’s exactly what happened to Michael and Amy Smalley, and yet, today, they are the founders and executive directors of the Smalley Marriage and Family Center near Houston, Texas.
Hey, nobody is perfect!
We’ll talk about what nearly imploded their new marriage even before the rental tuxedo was due back to the store at the mall. You might find it hard to believe.
Our discussion is spirited and informative and centers on their new book, The Surprising Way to a Stronger Marriage.
What’s so surprising about it? Well, you’ll have to tune-in to find out, but I’ll give you a hint:
The best way to improve your marriage is to examine yourself more and your spouse less.
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