A news summary on issues that matter.
Christians continue to be martyred around the world
The horrific scene is all too familiar: Christian men walking blindfolded across a beach, held by Islamic State militants. A new video shows two groups of Ethiopian Christians being shot and beheaded at the hands of ISIS. This comes just days after Christians were thrown overboard on a ship, drowned at sea, “for praying to Jesus.”
Please continue to pray for the persecuted Church around the world.
Do kids need marriage?
The Centers for Disease Control released data recently that shows cohabiting parents now account for 59 percent of all births outside marriage. The children born from these relationships are losing out on, among other things, the financial benefits and stability associated with marriage. Read more at The Wall St. Journal.
Transgenderism in the news … and free resources to help you understand the issue
Media outlets have run multiple stories presenting transgenderism in a favorable light this week. There was the NBC Nightly News series on “Transgender Kids” featuring families allowing their children – some only toddlers – to “transition” to a new gender. The Washington Post gushed about how wonderful these parents are, calling them “the most amazing parents on the planet” for allowing “Mia to become Jacob – at the tender age of 4.” Then there’s the ABC News interview that’s airing tonight with Bruce Jenner, who is transitioning to female.
These news reports are reflective of an aggressive effort to separate biology from gender across all aspects of culture. For example, our military is considering lifting its ban on allowing transgender service members.
With all of this going on, it’s no surprise Focus’ Thriving Values’ articles on transgenderism are some of the most frequently searched and viewed resources on our Social Issues website. We’ve also compiled a number of resources on this topic to help you better understand this issue and respond with love, compassion, truth and courage. For more information, contact us at [email protected].
Sad reason behind viral pregnancy announcement
You might have seen a lighthearted video on social media where Chad and Andrea Chapman share the news of their fourth pregnancy. The Chapmans’ reason for making the video is far from happy, however.
The expectant mom told TODAY.com, “Nobody was excited. I think we went past what everyone’s idea for our family was. For some reason, four is like this odd number in our culture today and it’s not celebrated the same way.”
Church must be “more than the echo of the times”
Here’s an encouraging piece for those of us constantly told we’re on “the wrong side of history” because we hold to a biblical sexual ethic. “Must Christianity Change Its Sexual Ethics? History May Hold The Key” compares the cultural pressure Christians are feeling to accept same-sex relationships to another call to adapt its beliefs, from 100 years ago.
Does timidity feed the PC beast?
It’s food for thought from National Review’s David French. In a sternly written piece, the lawyer makes the case against Christians staying quiet about their faith in academic settings. Although professors and students face unfair consequences for voicing unpopular opinions, French opines, “I’m sorry, but I have a real problem — in an era when Christians are getting their heads sawed off in the Middle East — with the idea that, say, an American sociology professor feels too scared to proclaim his real beliefs on a liberal campus.”
Bobby Jindal: “I’m holding firm against gay marriage”
One person who’s not bowing to pressure to be politically correct is Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. In a powerful, bold New York Times op-ed yesterday, he vowed to continue standing for religious liberties regardless of the cost, taking a principled stance. He wrote, “A pluralistic and diverse society like ours can exist only if we all tolerate people who disagree with us. That’s why religious freedom laws matter … If it’s not freedom for all, it’s not freedom at all.”
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