Standing for what’s right isn’t always easy. But it pays off in the end.
A man named Joseph Lister is a good example of this. Believe it or not, until 1870, surgeries were conducted without sterilization. That’s right. Back then, doctors didn’t wash their hands before surgery. Neither did anyone sterilize the patient, the room, or the surgical instruments. Germ theory was just beginning to be discovered, and the medical profession didn’t believe that bacteria caused illness.
Joseph Lister did. He stood against popular science of the day and pursued what he believed was right. Lister is now considered a forefather of modern surgical procedures. In fact, the well-known antiseptic mouthwash Listerene is named after him.
Many people decide what’s right and wrong based on what’s convenient, not on what’s true. The easy road may be more comfortable, but it takes strength and courage to accomplish hard things, like saving a marriage, rescuing a wayward child, or overcoming addiction. Rescue your life by holding on to what’s right even when circumstances oppose you.
Success in anything takes a determination to stick with your convictions when things get tough. If you’re facing challenges, stay committed to what’s true and have the courage to go wherever truth leads you. As Jesus said, “When you know the truth, the truth will set you free” (John 8:31-32).
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