Tomorrow Focus on the Family’s first movie, “Irreplaceable,” will debut in more than 700 cinemas across the country. Seats are filling up fast (with some theaters already sold out) – despite attempts to censor our documentary.
Just in time for tomorrow’s premiere, we’ve released a powerful new trailer for the film. Check it out below:
As you can see, “Irreplaceable” is far from just your average documentary. Yes, you will leave the theater empowered and equipped better to defend your Bible-based views. But it’s more than that – your heart will be moved as you experience, along with host Tim Sisarich, the emotions that come into play as God’s beautiful design for the family is explained and lived out by real men and women.
It’s the type of impact that goes far beyond the momentary viewing at a movie theater. It’s something you’ll take home with you, and will inspire you to better live out your own life.
If this trailer has captured your interest, you might be interested in learning more about the other cultural issues “Irreplaceable” examines.
Here are some of my past blog posts dealing with important topics from “Irreplaceable” that affect today’s families:
Gender differences:
“Is McDonald’s Harming Children?” and “WATCH: Men and Women Are Different” movie clip
The hookup culture:
“Does Casual Sex Empower Women?” movie clip
“Abortion: Empowerment or a Consolation Prize?” movie clip
“Does the Size of Your Family Matter?” movie clip
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