A lot of moms say they feel overwhelmed and stressed. Is it any wonder? They’re struggling under the burden of unrealistic expectations – some self-imposed, and some imposed by the culture.
In both cases, the “ideal” mom is often portrayed as a woman who is not only a full-time mom at home, but a fulltime employee outside the home. In her free time, she’s a Girl Scout troop leader, bakes treats from scratch for her kids, and still has time to accompany her children on every school field trip.
The “ideal” mom is also an expert on, well, everything. She knows whether or not to bottle feed and understands the exact diet to feed her baby. She’s solved the immunization debate and can recite the benefits and the risks from memory. From potential learning disorders to allergies to bedtime issues to problems with childhood friends, school decisions, and dating, the “ideal” mom has got it all figured out.
Like I said, is it any wonder so many moms feel exhausted and burned out?
Maybe a supernatural ability to keep all the plates spinning isn’t what “ideal” motherhood is really all about. Sure, you want to be engaged and always learning, but you also want to place reasonable expectations on yourself and to stop the comparison game with other moms. Otherwise, you’re causing more problems than you’re solving.
You don’t want to miss out on the relaxed, fun moments that give motherhood such joy and fulfillment, either.
Dr. Meg Meeker says moms can find greater joy and fulfillment if they’ll adopt 10 habits of a happy mom:
- Understand your value as a mother.
- Maintain key friendships.
- Value and practice your faith.
- Say no to engaging in competition.
- Create a healthier relationship with money.
- Make time for solitude.
- Give and get love in healthy ways.
- Find ways to simplify your life.
- Let go of fear.
- Hope is a decision.
How do you do that?
Dr. Meg Meeker will tell you on our Focus on the Family Broadcast “What You Need to Be a Happier Mom.” She’ll help mothers move away from unrealistic demands and experience greater joy and fulfillment. She’ll help you understand your value, let go of fear, and find solitude and simplicity for your life.
Join us for on your local radio station, online, oniTunes, via Podcast, take us with you on our free phone app, or watch the full program on our YouTubechannel.
Before I close, I’d like to ask you to consider becoming a special partner with us through our monthly “Friends of Focus on the Family”program.When you do, I’ll send you a copy of Dr. Meeker’s bookThe 10 Habits of Happy Mothers: Reclaiming Our Passion, Purpose and Sanityas a way of saying thank you for touching others with the love of Christ. To make your pledge, or for more information, visit our websiteor call 1-800-A-FAMILY (232-6459).
Dr. Meg Meeker is a longtime pediatrician. She has served for decades in that capacity. She’s counseled mothers and children and has a firm grasp of the challenges that moms face.
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