Every day parents face a new fork in the road of some kind. You want what’s best for your child. But it’s not always clear what is best.
Will your children thrive with more boundaries? Or more freedom?
Is your child old enough for technology? If so, what kind? And how much screen time should they be allowed?
Are their friends a good influence? Are your children a good influence on their friends?
There is no formula for parenting but there are seven traits to guide moms and dads toward:
- Adaptability
- Respect
- Intentionality
- Love
- Gratitude
- Grace
- Forgiveness
How can we raise our children with an approach that infuses them with godly maturity and grace for others?
We’ve invited our colleague Danny Huerta to be our guest on our Focus on the Family Broadcast “What Your Kids Need Most to Grow Up Well.” Danny heads up our parenting and youth department here at Focus on the Family. He’s also a licensed clinical social worker, a therapist in private practice, and has written a great new book called Seven Traits of Effective Parenting. He’ll fully explain the seven traits that can help your children feel assured of your steadfast love, learn sufficient boundaries, and experience the power of grace, forgiveness, and gratitude.
Listen on your local radio station, online, on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or on our free phone app.
If you’ve got a few minutes, try our free parenting assessment on our website. It will quickly give you an overview of how your family is doing in several key areas and offer some suggestions on how you can improve the relationships in your home.
Let me remind you that this family ministry is listener-supported. With that in mind, I’d like to extend an invitation to prayerfully consider becoming a special partner with us through our monthly “Friends of Focus on the Family” program. When you do, I’ll send you a copy of Danny Huerta’s book as a way of saying thank you for touching others with the love of Christ. Your ongoing support can help us stabilize our planning and enable us to better meet the needs of thousands of hurting families. Of course, your one-time gift can be very helpful as well. Visit our website for more information.
Photo from Shutterstock
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