Marriage is central to what we do here at Focus on the Family.
We believe that marriage is the foundation of the family. We also believe that God’s design for marriage is a relationship where both husband and wife are committed to loving and caring for one another for a lifetime.
The problem is, men and women are selfish creatures, and their selfishness comes out in all kinds of unhealthy ways. One of the most devastating aberrations is an affair.
Dave Carder has researched the problem. He surveyed 4,000 couples whose marriages had survived adultery. He wanted to know what had gone wrong and how they climbed out of the crater left behind.
Virtually all of the men and women who had an affair said they were blindsided. They found themselves entrenched in an inappropriate relationship before they fully realized it was developing.
That’s part of the story of Samson and Delilah. Pop culture often portrays their connection as romantic, but the book of Judges details a relationship that Samson should have had nothing to do with. Despite his outer strength, Samson’s downfall wound up being his inner weakness. He was so blinded he never saw that he was obsessed with someone who was trying to kill him.
Dave Carder is joining us on our program today to help you build an “affair-proof” marriage. Dave is the pastor of counseling ministries at First Evangelical Free Church of Fullerton, California, and has written a number of books, including Anatomy of an Affair and Torn Asunder: Recovering from an Extramarital Affair.
This is a tough subject. But we want to equip you with the ability to recognize dangerous patterns before they cost you your marriage and your family.
Men and women work together. They play together. They work out together. They minister together. Healthy boundaries are essential. Dave uncovers common triggers for affairs and offers practical solutions.
So join us for our program “Affair-Proofing Your Marriage” on your local radio station, online, or on our free phone app.
We also have caring Christian counselors on staff, and it would be a privilege for them to have an initial consultation with you. Call us, leave your name and number, and they’ll get back with you just as soon as possible. The number during business hours is 1-800-A-FAMILY (232-6459).
Before I close, I want to remind you of Hope Restored. If you’re on the brink of divorce, these marriage intensives can go a long way toward restoring your hope, facilitating healing between you and your spouse, and bringing restoration to your relationship. The number for Hope Restored is 1-866-875-2915, or visit online.
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