Men, we’re at war.
I don’t think most guys think of their role as a husband or father in those terms very often. That could be why so many guys succumb to the dangers of pornography and adulterous affairs. The enemy of our soul is ruthlessly plotting the destruction of us and our families … and a lot of us seem oblivious to it.
That’s why author and speaker Dr. Steve Farrar compares a man’s role in his home to point men in military conflict. Soldiers on patrol comb through opposition territory, but one man leads the group. His job is to be on high alert for enemy personnel and to be the first line of defense for the men behind him.
As husbands and fathers, we’re walking the point, and our leadership is critical to the survival of our families. We’re leading our wives and children through the moral chaos of a nation that’s lost its moral compass and an enemy who is trying to destroy us.
We will encounter resistance. Satan’s strategy for every Christian man is to alienate him from his wife and to sever their relationship entirely. He wants divorce to devastate your home.
That’s why we’re at war.
Our nation is desperate for men who will follow through with their commitments. In 1 Timothy 3:2, the apostle Paul writes that leaders in God’s church must be “the husband of one wife.” Dr. Farrar says, in the Greek, that verse literally reads this way: “He must be a one-woman-kind-of-man .”
On today’s and tomorrow’s programs, we’re airing a message from Dr. Farrar recorded in front of 50,000 men and which outlines five ways men can be a “one woman kind of man.”
- Be a one-woman-kind-of-man with your mind and with your thought life. The apostle Paul said, “Take every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5).
- Be a one-woman-kind-of-man with your eyes. Job said, “I have made a covenant with my eyes that I will not gaze upon a young woman and lust” (Job 31:1).
- Be a one-woman-kind-of-man with your lips. “Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth” (Eph. 4:29).
- Be a one-woman-kind-of-man with your hands. “Who shall ascend the hill of the LORD? And who shall stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart” (Psalm 24:3-4b).
- Be a one-woman-kind-of-man with your feet. “Flee from sexual immorality” (1 Cor. 6:18).
I love this message from Dr. Farrar, especially since it flies in the face of so much of what we hear from our culture today. The world says, “If you’re marriage is troubled, just get a divorce and move on.” But research shows that people are not any happier after they split up. In fact, divorce rates are even higher in second and third marriages. So, except in very limited circumstances, parting with your spouse in search of brighter horizons is not the answer. Instead, couples need to get to work and see what they can do to make their marriage better.
The positive impact on the culture of strong Christian marriages cannot be overstated. The world is watching us.
If you’re in a tough spot in your marriage, I want to point you to our counseling services and our Focus on the Family Marriage Institute. Give us a call today. We have counselors available to listen and pray with you and to provide tools to help strengthen your marriage.
And if your marriage difficulties seem too challenging to overcome, and you’re on the brink of divorce, the Marriage Institute can go a long way toward restoring your hope, facilitating healing between you and your spouse, and bringing restoration to your relationship. They create the right environment, and the Lord can do wonderful things.
Please give us a call. I think you’ll be glad you did. We’re here to help you. Our counseling line here at Focus is 1-800-A-FAMILY (232-6459), and the number for the Family Marriage Institute is 1-866-875-2915 or visit online at
And make it a point to join us for the next couple of programs on your local radio station, online, or on our free, downloadable mobile phone app for this message from Dr. Steve Farrar, the founder and chairman of Men’s Leadership Ministries.
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