Few things damage a marriage more than adultery.
Nevertheless, it is possible for couples who have experienced the devastation of an affair to find healing, forgiveness, and restoration.
Rick and Tiffany Bulman, founders of Mended Ministries, help conflicted couples strengthen and rebuild their marriages. They can attest to God’s ability to redeem relationships. They’ve seen it happen in countless marriages, including in their own.
Rick and Tiffany’s relationship looked good on the surface. They had four happy teenagers and were actively involved in the church where Rick served as senior pastor. But under the surface, years of emotional baggage, neglect, and unresolved conflict were taking a toll.
For three years, Tiffany engaged in an affair with a member of the church. Eventually, her guilt became overwhelming, and she desperately wanted to end the relationship, but she was paralyzed by her shame. When the truth finally came out, both families were devastated, angry, and traumatized.
The Bible records numerous harsh warnings about adultery. Proverbs 6:32, says, “He who commits adultery lacks sense; he who does it destroys himself.” That’s pretty direct. Yet, God also extends forgiveness to those who turn from adultery and repent, like the woman in John 8 whom the Pharisees wanted to stone. Jesus showed mercy and forgave her.
Can God fix the mess of infidelity? Absolutely. Rick and Tiffany Bulman testify to that fact. They’re telling their story on our Focus on the Family Broadcast “Overcoming the Betrayal of an Affair.” Listen on your local radio station, online, on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or on our free phone app.
If your marriage has suffered an affair, we have caring Christian counselors on staff, and it would be their privilege to offer you a free consultation. Call us, leave your name and number, and they’ll get back with you just as soon as possible. The number during business hours is 1-800-A-FAMILY (232-6459).
And if your marriage is in crisis, I want to remind you about Hope Restored. If you’re on the brink of divorce, these marriage intensives can go a long way toward facilitating healing between you and your spouse and bringing restoration to your relationship. The intensives take place in three locations: Branson, MO; Greenville, MI; and the WinShape Retreat Center in Rome, GA. The number for Hope Restored is 1-866-875-2915, or visit online.
Rick and Tiffany have co-authored a book titled Mended: One Couple’s Journey from Betrayal to Imperfect Beauty. We’d like to offer you a copy for a gift of any amount. Check here for details.
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