Do you feel like your daughter is growing up too fast?
Believe it or not, it may be true. In fact, that conversation about puberty you assumed was still a few years off may be needed sooner than you think.
There’s some debate about why it’s happening, but there’s no question that puberty is occurring earlier and earlier in girls. For some, it could be as young as seven or eight! Puberty brings about big changes in a girl’s physical development and body image, and that can be scary if she isn’t prepared for what’s coming. That’s why helping your daughter learn what to expect can be crucial to her building a healthy identity.
From a practical standpoint, it’s usually best if mom handles these conversations. She has the personal experience to draw from, and daughters tend to feel more comfortable with another female. This means single dads might want to consider having a trusted family member help out.
If you don’t know what topics to cover, we have resources available to help you. The main thing is to connect with your daughter and reassure her that the coming changes are normal. And remember, even if your daughter has already entered into puberty, it’s not too late to have a positive impact. Let her know that you’ll always be available to answer her questions and walk with her as she grows into womanhood.
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