I have two boys, Trent and Troy. It was challenging enough for me as a dad to have “the talk” with them (and all the other related conversations along the way), so I admit that I cringe a bit when I think about the parents who have to broach these subjects with their girls. For some reason, it seems like a conversation on puberty might be a bit more complicated with a daughter.
For example, girls have to deal with the unrealistic expectations placed on them to look a certain way. Whether she is developing too early or too late, she’s going to be acutely aware that her body is under a new scrutiny that simply wasn’t there before. And as we see puberty start at an earlier age than ever before, we need to be aware that our girls manage a lot of stress and pressure.
Parents can help daughters transition from girl to woman
The good news is the intentional conversations parents can have with their daughters can set the trajectory for the teenage years. That’s why, even if parents are scared about talking with their daughters about puberty, it’s important for them to do it.
Tomorrow’s broadcast will help parents get ready for these important talks. Guest expert Dr. Walt Larimore shares the building blocks of puberty and how the changes occur and offers advice to moms and dads – including single dads. He talks about body image and the cultural impact on girls, including potential problems with dieting.
I hope that those of you with daughters – or granddaughters! – will tune in tomorrow for a very informative and practical Focus on the Family broadcast.
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