On any given Sunday there’s a significant number of folks who pull out their cell phones when the pastor asks them to turn to the morning’s passage. They’re not being rude – they’re just accessing the Bible via their smartphones.
The free YouVersion Bible app is one of the most popular ways to access different versions of the Bible via a smartphone or tablet. In 2013, the app was installed about 49 million times. It was opened 31 times per second, or 1,000,000,000 total times in 2013.
The year’s most popular verse was Philippians 4:13 – “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
So not only is the Bible the world’s best-selling book, but its popularity as an app is also astounding.
The legendary Charles Spurgeon’s words ring true – “Defend the Bible? I would as soon defend a lion! Unchain it and it will defend itself.”
All we need to do is make the Bible available to people – the Holy Spirit makes sure it finds those with ears to hear, or in this case, eyes to see.
And here’s some more good news: The folks over at YouVersion have now “unchained” the Bible for little ones in a child-friendly format with its “The Bible App for Kids.” Just like the version for adults, this app is free. It’s interactive, colorful, animated, and has kid-friendly navigation.
The Bible App for Kids also features games and activities for children.
The video below provides a preview. Learn more about the app at www.Bible.com/kids.
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