We talk a lot about biblical wisdom here at Focus on the Family. The reason is because more than any other factor God’s wisdom is critical to the success of a marriage, a household or a culture. Without His wisdom to guide us, poor, even destructive choices, are sure to follow.
Consider this: at the height of the #MeToo movement, The New York Times reported that 201 powerful men had been exposed for their mistreatment of women. We’re talking about titans of the business world, of politics and of the entertainment industry. Their behavior cost them their reputations and ended their careers. A few of the men wound up in jail. Or dead.
The question is, “Why did those 201 men (and others) believe that their power gave them the right to mistreat anybody?”
The answer: they lacked wisdom. Cultural factors played a role, I’m sure, but most importantly these men lacked an inner moral compass. They replaced objective right and wrong with whatever they thought they were powerful enough to get away with.
Without God’s wisdom, we choose selfishness over generosity, immediate gratification over long-term gain, and greed over sacrifice. With His guidance, we are empowered to channel our power and influence toward what’s good and right. Wisdom enables us to make decisions based not only on what will benefit us but the people around us as well.
“For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding” (Proverbs 2:6).
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