Today’s culture will often take issue with traditional Christian perspectives.
That’s what makes what will happen on April 16 all the more encouraging.
On that day, an estimated 18,000 students will share a Christian perspective on sexuality at their high schools and colleges thanks to Day of Dialogue, a student-led free speech event.
Think about the courage it takes for teenagers to commit to sharing a hope-filled, Bible-based perspective on sensitive social issues like marriage, sexuality and gender-identity issues. After all, many of these teens are going to schools where their beliefs are being censored, marginalized or even openly mocked.
I’ll share just three examples:
- Christian students’ clubs have been kicked off campuses or derecognized after maintaining a biblical view of marriage and sexuality;
- college- and high school-aged students have faced punishment for expressing a Christian perspective on sexuality, whether in class or in an assignment; and
- a speaker openly mocked Christian beliefs about sexuality during an “anti-bullying” talk at a national high school journalism conference.
And yet, despite the sometimes hostile environment in our nation’s schools, these kids are emboldened by the Holy Spirit to share their take on social issues, God’s plan for humanity and the beauty of marriage.
These kids are today’s Daniels.
Here at Focus on the Family, we want to do everything possible to empower and equip students to share their faith and their perspective. That’s why, for four years now, we’ve sponsored Day of Dialogue, which helps Christian teens share their beliefs in a loving way.
Candi Cushman, who oversees Day of Dialogue for Focus, explains its importance:
“First of all, it protects future generations’ religious freedoms on campus. Just like a muscle must be exercised to stay strong, students learn through this event that by exercising their free speech rights and expressing their perspective, they strengthen not only their own, personal freedoms, but also those of every student who walks in the doors after them.
“But even more importantly, Christian teens are equipped with the confidence that God’s love and truth can speak into even the most sensitive social issues. They want – and have a right to – share the good news of a loving God who has a redemptive plan for humanity.”
If you know of a young person who might be interested in taking part in this year’s Day of Dialogue event on April 16, please share with them the URL: At the Day of Dialogue website, students can sign up for the event, as well as find tools that will equip them to exercise their First Amendment rights such as conversation starters and activity ideas. Teens will also find tips on how to navigate these tough issues in a winsome, Bible-based way.
If you’re the parent of a teen, or a pastor or youth leader, please know our Day of Dialogue website also offers resources to help you empower the students in your life.
Finally, as the April 16 date comes closer, won’t you please support with your prayers the thousands of Christian teens who have committed to lovingly share the hope they’ve found in God and His Word? As we see in the news, the price of sharing a Bible-based perspective on sexuality grows steeper by the day. By being willing to share their beliefs, these kids are loving God and loving their neighbors. Our prayers, guidance and encouragement are invaluable to them.
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