It’s a tough economy. Jobs are scarce. Many of today’s college grads are entering the “real world” with considerable student loan debt.
For many parents, what this means is that their adult children will “boomerang” or move back home with them after college.
Can you relate? I’d love to hear from you – both parents and the returning young adults.
Millennials face other consequences from their financial pressures, though. The harsh reality for many 20-somethings is that they believe they can’t afford to get married, because that would mean combining individuals who have a five- or six-digital student loan debt total between the two.
It’s a tough situation for these young people to find themselves in – and a tricky one for parents to help their adult children navigate.
In today’s broadcast, Catalyst President Brad Lomenick, Focus’ Rajeev Shaw and I talk through some of the issues today’s 18-34 year olds are facing. The conversation runs the gamut. Not only do we talk about millennials’ financial burdens and the expectations they feel pressured to meet, but we also address how older-generation leaders can help equip these young people for success at work and within their churches.
And what do you do if your 20-something son or daughter is living in your basement? Brad and Rajeev share their perspectives in “How Millennials are Impacting the Culture” – you can listen to the broadcast through your local radio station, online, or via our free app.
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