It’s been forty years since the release of Dr. Dobson’s first book, Dare to Discipline. Between then and now, several generations have come of age, but Focus on the Family’s founder has continued to offer his signature advice to parents with the same passion, precision and poignancy.
Dr. Dobson’s latest offering, his 33rd title, Bringing Up Girls: Practical Advice and Encouragement for those Shaping the Next Generation of Women, hit bookstores nationwide on April 13th.
If you haven’t already done so, I hope you’ll take a moment and listen to our recent two-day broadcast, “Practical Advice for Raising Girls,” featuring a discussion between myself and Dr. Dobson along with Dr. Juli Slattery and John Fuller. Click to listen to PART 1 and PART 2.
I’d also invite you to pick up a copy of this excellent book at our online store.
That said, how is the average American girl fairing today? Is Dr. Dobson as concerned about the state of girls in 2010 as he was about the future of boys back in 2001 when he penned Bringing Up Boys? Here is what he wrote in the book’s opening pages:
“Although our daughters are doing rather well academically and on some measures of social and personal health, I have to tell you that in many ways, I am even more concerned about girls than boys,” Dobson writes in the opening pages of Bringing Up Girls. “So much has changed for the worse in recent years. Our daughters are under enormous pressures rarely experienced by their mothers, grandmothers and previous generations. Today’s little girls are being enticed to grow up too fast and are encountering challenges for which they are totally unprepared.”
As you’ll hear on our broadcast and read in his book, I appreciate the fact that Dr. Dobson offers parents a realistic view of things—and certainly isn’t prone to serving up pollyannish solutions to complex challenges. Yet, you’ll also find there are times when his advice is refreshingly straightforward:
“Tell her she is pretty every chance you get,” he writes. “Hug her. Compliment her admirable traits. Build her confidence by giving her your time and attention. Defend her when she is struggling. And let her know that she has a place in your heart that is reserved only for her. She will never forget it.”
I better stop there lest I give the rest away! After you have a chance to listen and maybe read a bit from the book, I hope you’ll take a moment a drop me a line with your reaction.
Thank you, Dr. Dobson, for investing your time and energies in this very worthwhile and much needed resource. I pray that your words will resonate with the millions of parents who are privileged to be bringing up girls.
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