Moms and dads know that some of the most enjoyable moments with kids will often come like lightning out of a clear blue sky. Secularists called it “serendipity”—chance encounters. But those of us who are Christians see them for what they are—gifts of insight and pleasure from our gracious and loving God.
I was reminded of this during a recent ski trip to Salida, Colorado. When Jean and Trent and Troy and I sat down to wait for a pizza at a local restaurant one evening, I decided to try something we hadn’t done before.
After we ordered and settled into the booth, I asked for some paper and crayons. I told the boys that I thought it would be fun to write one another brief notes and pass them back and forth while we waited for our food. They thought that was a good idea.
The exchanges started out silly, as you would expect with 7 and 9 year olds. But then Troy and I began a simple banter that I’ll remember for the rest of my life. Let me share with you a portion of the note we exchanged:
Me: I love you, Troy, and I hope you had a good day today?
Troy: I love you too, Daddy, and yes I did have a good day today. Love, Troy
Me: Dear Troy, I love your smile and your joy. Your face reminds me of God’s love.
Troy: I am very grateful for the letter you have sent me. Love, Troy.
How priceless! I have a “time capsule” in which I keep mementos for both of our boys. We started the box before they were born. It’s starting to fill up. It contains the local newspaper from the day they came into the world, their achievements in school, a list of “first things”, hand prints in clay and all the good stuff that makes childhood so sweet. These little sheets of yellow paper between Troy and I are now safely in the box.
Someday in the future, likely years from now, Troy will open the box and blow off the dust and read those words. Perhaps that day will come when I’m gone. Perhaps it will be a time when he needs to be reminded how much he was loved and cherished as a child.
For now, I am committed to telling and writing about that love—and would encourage you to do the same with your kids, too. And if you haven’t already done so, hug your children. They will never tire of hearing how much you love and cherish them.
By the way, I don’t think the pizza ever tasted better then it did that evening in that little restaurant in Salida, Colorado.
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