There’s an essay that caught my attention on this morning. It’s written by a woman named Marina Pearson. According to her byline she’s a writer and speaker whose career is dedicated to helping women “who are struggling to get over their ex to move on in a safe and nurturing environment.”
Her article is bluntly titled: “Why I Cheated on My Husband.”
That would be “ex-husband,” now. But what were the reasons? According to Ms. Pearson, there were four:
Unrealistic Expectations
“I was still living in the illusive notion that happiness was something that I could acquire from an external source,” she wrote. “So I bought into a fantasy.”
Unrealistic Expectations II
She no longer found her husband to be attractive as he aged.
Ignorance and Immaturity
“I didn’t have the maturity or the tools of how to live with the problems that my ex-husband and I were encountering,” she wrote.
She Missed Being Wooed
According to Ms. Pearson, “Our relationship fell into a day-to-day routine.”
Do any of these sound familiar? Our counselors here at Focus on the Family regularly hear many variations of these reasons for the sin of infidelity. Each year we receive thousands of calls from both men and women who are ready to call it quits in their marriage and often cite these same four frustrations as the reasons. And although it may seem as if the mental and emotional burden accompanying any one of these issues is overwhelming, the simple fact is this: they are normal, manageable and can be addressed.
If you’re married, I would urge you to examine your own relationship and guard against the temptation to fall prey to these common pitfalls.
Incidentally, I’m quite certain that men cheat for similar reasons which affirms our sin nature and need for salvation through Christ.
Our counselors are available to help you and your spouse find your way through any season of struggle. In fact, according to a recent survey of our constituents, Focus on the Family helped save a marriage every six minutes this past year.
We are here to help!
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