If you’re a parent, you may feel like you’ve got everything under control most days. But every now and then, something unexpected happens and nothing goes right with your kids. If that’s been your experience, we’ve got some great encouragement for you today on the Focus on the Family Broadcast.
That sense of frustration and of wondering, “What do we do now?” is something Jean and I have experienced many times with our boys.
Parenting is filled with surprises for most of us, and it’s often a lot harder than we expected. At Focus, we sometimes hear from moms and dads who thought they could raise their children on “autopilot” – just let the kids coast and find their own way.
That style of parenting usually doesn’t work. And neither does a cookie-cutter approach. There’s no formula. A + B does not always equal C.
Instead, we need a good plan for our parenting and a good dose of flexibility. We have to pray for our kids, get to know their personalities, and then apply a biblical approach to help them grow.
We’re talking with authors and speakers Bill and Pam Farrel on today’s program about common challenges parents face. The Farrels always have wonderful insights to share about marriage, parenting, and family life in general.
Join us for our conversation on “Being the Intentional Parent Your Child Needs” on your local radio station, online, on iTunes, via Podcast, or on our free phone app.
For a gift of any amount, we’ll send you a copy of the Farrels’ book, The 10 Best Decisions Every Parent Can Make. And right now your donation will be doubled for twice the impact in helping other families through this ministry. Our thanks to generous donors who’ve made that possible. (Check our website for details).
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