I wrote last time about the media’s obsession with bad and sensational news. Sadly, the headlines are so often dominated by negative developments even though the world is full of beauty, wonder and yes, miracles. So much of life is based upon things unfolding behind the scenes outside our view. Our days, much more than we fully appreciate and acknowledge, are guided and controlled by God’s invisible hand.
In other words, what we see is not all there is. You just need to know where to look — and what to look for.
Peggy Noonan, a former speechwriter for Presidents Reagan and George H.W. Bush and now a columnist for the Wall Street Journal, once put it this way:
“I think miracles exist in part as gifts and in part as clues that there is something beyond the flat world we see.”
From my seat, that perspective nicely captures the work of our orphan and foster care outreach.
As of last week, over 1,000 families have initiated the process of adoption from foster care as a result of the collaborative efforts of our Wait No More ministry.
In fact, in just 18 months, Wait No More has been recognized by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute as a national best practice in foster care adoption recruitment.
Wonderful and miraculous stories are rolling in on a regular basis, but I’d like to share just this one with you.
The “Miller” family attended the first Wait No More event in November 2008 here in Colorado Springs. As a result of that terrific day at New Life Church, this big-hearted family of six (4 biological children) adopted four young siblings. The children had been in foster care after their biological parents’ rights were terminated because of neglect and abuse.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller offered the following reflection:
Our kids have a heartbreaking past, but are thriving in our home and overcoming some of the battles they struggle with. We have been blessed beyond anything we have ever imagined. Life is busy, as we have four biological children as well, but we can’t remember life before our kids came to us. We are so happy that we listened to the call of God on our heart! We have been so blessed by their presence and we want to share the joy with others.
The Millers went on to say these children feel safe for the very first time in their lives. That thought puts a lump in my throat. I know all too well what they’re talking about because I was once a young boy who longed for the safety and security of a permanent and loving home. I, too, feared for my safety. And now these children are enjoying the love of a mother and father — because a couple answered God’s call.
If you’ve ever thought about adopting — or know somebody who might be interested — why don’t you consider visiting our website by simply clicking here.
It’s a wondrous thing to witness a family grow through the gift and privilege of adoption. Yes, to see it unfold is to observe a modern-day miracle. Only the Lord could mend together the pieces of a broken past and weave them into a tapestry as beautiful as the ten-member Miller family.
Adoption is an adventure that’s not for the faint-hearted. Not every family is called to adopt. But have you ever considered it? Might the Lord be calling you to consider exploring the process? If so, you can do so by visiting our website.
Follow me on Twitter @DalyFocus
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