This is Jean Daly, Jim’s wife. I’m going to hijack Jim’s blog today to allow our sons, Trent and Troy, to pay a tribute to their dad, whom they absolutely adore.
And I suppose it wouldn’t surprise you to know that I do, too.
Earlier this week the boys sat down to offer some thoughts on what their dad means to them. When I first met and married Jim, I remember thinking he’d be a terrific father. But I find myself appreciating him more and more as the years go on and I see how the three of them interact with one another. It’s a sweet and precious thing to see your children so in love with their father.
Moms, I would encourage you to consider asking your sons and daughters to prepare notes for their dad this coming weekend. I know Jim will treasure these keepsakes, especially after the boys are grown and gone and the hallways of our once busy house have grown silent. Gifts are wonderful but sometimes a heartfelt word is a special gift, too.
Raising children can be a challenge, but it’s also one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever do.
Capture the moment. Savor the time. In a blink of an eye the season of child-rearing will be a memory.
Here’s the first note:
I love my dad because he is kind and loving. Also, he gives my brother and me guidance and helps us grow stronger in faith.
He has fun with us and makes us feel special. He has fun with us by making us laugh and doing things with us. He also makes jokes and makes our day fun.
I could name 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 more things, but that could take months.
Happy Father’s Day, Dad!
Love, Trent, age 12
And the second:
A father should be a loving caring man who both treats his wife and kids kindly and lovingly. He should also treat his kids with discipline when they need it. My dad fits this description.
What I love about my dad is that he hugs me and lets me sit in his lap and makes me laugh. To me he’s the best dad in the world.
– Troy age 10.
P.S. I love you, Dad!
Would you like to use this space to pay tribute to your own father or children’s father? Or how about have your children offer a thought or reflection of their dad? I would enjoy reading your comments.
God bless you and Happy Father’s Day!
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