By the end of this month it’s likely to be legal for children in California to have three parents.
As of now, the state’s current law only allows two parents per child, which is both the historical standard and the common sense one.
So why aren’t two enough anymore?
Same-sex marriage.
Children of lesbian couples may have two “mothers,” but it’s obviously impossible for a child to be conceived without a father. The same is true for homosexual men; every child is born of a mother, even if the male couple deems her simply utilitarian in nature.
Legislation expanding parenthood was introduced earlier this year after a representative learned of the unfortunate plight of a young girl named M.C. The little girl’s biological mother is a lesbian who is “married” to another woman. The state recognizes the two women as M.C’s parents, but the youngster suddenly found herself in an even more precarious position when her biological mother went to prison and her other “mother” was hospitalized.
In a day she went from having two “mothers” to having none, at least practically speaking.
The circumstances are very disturbing. The biological mother went to jail because her boyfriend stabbed the other “mother.”
The biological father requested custody but was denied because of California’s two-parent policy. Instead, the child became a ward of the state. Even though the two women were otherwise disposed, the law still views them as the child’s legitimate parents.
The sordid details notwithstanding, the consequences of this law designed to allow for multiple parents are far reaching and tragic.
I fear for the child who will soon be pulled in every direction, their loyalties challenged and their sense of morality further corrupted and confused.
This is what happens when the gender of a parent no longer matters, when culture sees the role of mothers and fathers as interchangeable or even irrelevant rather than sacred and distinct.
A mother cannot be a father and a father cannot be a mother.
Liberals may be on the verge of a legislative victory, but like regularly happens with attempts to redefine God’s design of the family, when radicals win, it’s the children who ultimately lose.
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