They say the eyes are a window to the soul.
If that’s true, husbands, then what are the eyes of your wife telling you?
Do they seem alive and vibrant? Or are they tired and withdrawn? The difference could lie in how she sees herself in your eyes.
God’s Word couldn’t be more clear about the incalculable worth of women. Genesis 2:18 says, “Then the Lord God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him’” (ESV).
The word used for “helper” conveys the idea of a “completer.” Your wife can bring your heart out of hiding and infuse it with life. Far from being subservient or inferior to you, she’s designed by God to be your equal companion.
But what about this? First Peter 3:7 says, “Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel.”
Weaker? Doesn’t sound so equal to some. But the Greek word that’s translated “weaker” has a richer meaning than many readers first assume. That same word is used to describe valuable artwork. There’s a certain delicate quality, but it’s beautiful and priceless.
Is that what you see in your wife? Does she carry a sparkle in her eye because she knows how valuable she is to you?
I invite you to join us for our radio program today with our guest, Dr. Walt Larimore. We’ll hear an inspiring message he gave to fellow physicians and their spouses a few years ago.
God created you and your wife to complement one another. Cherish your wife for the priceless work of art that she is. She’ll come to life. You’ll see it in her eyes because she’ll see it in yours.
Join us on your local radio station, hear it online or via our free phone app. Dr. Larimore formerly served as the vice president of Medical Outreach here at Focus. He’s a respected physician, author, and speaker. Perhaps most importantly, he’s been married to his wife, Barbara, for over thirty years.
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