A couple of months ago I blogged about marriage and joy. In that post, I encouraged Christian couples to live out a marriage that exemplified the goodness of God’s design by enjoying each other and having fun together. One sentence summed up the crux of that post:
“It does the culture and the Church a world of good when Christians mix joy and pleasure into the message of commitment and sacrifice in marriage.”
Today I want to introduce you to a husband and wife who can show us all a thing or two about applying that simple truth.
Marlow and Frances Cowan were visiting the Mayo Clinic for routine check-ups. In between the medical tests and visits with the doctors, they would play songs on a piano at the hospital’s atrium. The last musical number they played – a fun little tune featuring a comical synchronized routine – was captured by a woman in the small crowd. That woman put it on YouTube – and the rest, as they say, is history.
The world fell in love with the couple. Married for 62 years at the time of the recording, the pair exudes joy, playfulness and love. You can’t watch the video – which has more than 9 million views – without smiling.
The Cowans Have Good Reason for Their Joy
Marlow and Fran are motivated by their faith.
In an where the pair talks about their famous viral video and travelling act, Marlow says, “Whatever we can do that will make life more joyful for others, we’ll do it… We’re praising the Lord. Make a joyful noise! That’s basically what we’re here for. That’s what we’ve been doing all our life.”
And as they serve God and others, Marlow and Frances Cowan are also helping promote healthy marriages. Quickly scroll through the YouTube comments and you’ll find people saying things like
- “I’m going to be like them when I’m married”
- “After 62 years of marriage… it’s no wonder they’ve kept the spark alive after all those years”
- “It’s beautiful to see two people age together full of love and happiness. That’s how I want to be with my wife when I’m older!”
When a watching world sees how joy and commitment can coincide in a marriage, it hungers for what God has designed.
And that’s a great thing.
In case you’re wondering how the Cowans are doing, the Mayo Clinic reports the pair is still going strong. Marlow celebrated his 95th birthday in February.
Learn about “Irreplaceable,” the one-night theatrical event showing on May 6
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